Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Who Knew, Turning

"I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance"

Who Defending a Chicken

"Happy fourth," she says to me,
walking into her house.
"Yeah..." is all strength allows me
to utter. Though, it may be
a beautiful moment of historical
A bird begins singing to me;
"Hear a song about my sisters;
They have been in captivity
for ages, and with the echoes
of revolution screaming through
the sky, I implore you
To think of my sisters."
"Some are crackling
after a life of prison (remember: to live
and to die)
There is a boom
and there are crackles
With an explosion of flames
fluttering in the firework
covered sky.
My mind focused on a bird,
struggling without hope
in this,
America, land of those
who say free.
they cry, and sing,
and crackle.

 I Turn
As a frozen chill slices through my body
I feel the sun upon my skin.
Repelling the warmth while digesting the cold,
I begin to shiver once again.
Teeth ch ch chattering from deep within my soul,
Cl cl clattering like a spoon on an empty bowl,
Cr cr crawling through a empty hole
Left inside my heart.
Too numb to feel, too dumb to think.
Too cold to move, too bold to sink.
Too weak to hope, too bleak to pray.
Too in love to die this way.
Cold hands move in front of frozen knees,
A warm sun shines through an icy breeze,
A cool wind blows through snow covered trees,
And I crawl on, too in love to freeze;
I'm too in love to freeze. 

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