Monday, April 30, 2012

Saving Lives

I remember being a child and reading historical documents regarding slavery, massive genocide, and humans without rights. I remember asking myself how anyone in their right mind could ever justify such things. I remember reflecting on the fact that during each instance, the majority of people supported such causes.

Now, I know.

In relation to America- Total number of (Per YEAR)…

Human deaths caused by animals: 124.35
Animal deaths caused by humans (Food consumption alone): 62 Billion

Just to show the numbers side by side…


Does this seem just? Does this seem balanced? Does this seem like a good way for humans to exert power?

This is modern genocide, people need to learn.

Analogies: Freudian Anal Fixations
Well, the modern day Nazis eat their meat.
Grouping together, they do. Grouping together, they do.
Well, the modern day racists drink their milk.
Grouping together, they do. Grouping together, they do.

Beastiality and necromancy
Murder and concentration camps
Human induced slavery
History repeats itself,
Do you? Do you?

Meat is worse than murder.
It's true. It's true.
Veganism saves lives.
Do you? Do you?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

OM-T(w)o who-m it ma(i_) mean something,

OM-T(w)o who-m it ma(i_) mean something,
It’s difficult to explain, to decide where to begin… My relatively third year, perhaps. Betwixt observations inside of the corporate chain, one connected to primarily McDonalds, Apple, Jamba Juice, partially Starbucks, one’s view of the entire nation and governmental structure begins to not only shift, but morph into a twisted-omniscientdisgustedallseeing-everything. We may discuss things such as panoptic structures, yet any discussing tends to bring forth accusations, mostly in terms paranoia, etc.. I am not blind to such things. The institutionalized America, corporate chains, essentially the fabric of American culture, tends to run, ruin, and shape, several lives. People are made and broken inside of the vicious chain, where people hide their motives like Hawks. Hoc ergo, quis incipio, ultravisavistuprobitas… Verti, Verto, Veritas Vivo. Cogito!!..! Where Rimbaud, Robert Anton, Rilke, cummings, Cavafy, even Petra ring forth like a liberamibell. How does one EXPLAIN!

Cavafy explains the cycle, “The same everywhere… we flee, only to find what we ran from more potently in front of our eyes.” The fear, to eliminate fear… There is a chain, with a peak. Aware in their own respects, every individual (LAUDA) begins to appreciate, respect, problematize, trap, and understand things in diverging manners. The idiosyncrasies (CRAS) of the modern fabric is used (sed) to exemplify the theory, to each his own. However, as a person begins to see, to view, to observe, one becomes…. How to explain! There is a peak, a ruling class who guides (SED) the (DURDING-PT.- Der... t-he) majority of lives with complete awareness; there is a funnel, with a peak, a tip, where a minority of only few control. Between a governmental election based (yet) around an electoral college, where votes are deviate from the common understanding of democratic equal voting, where laws apply only to the few, where degrees and majors are equipped beneath belts like a canon, where there is continual misunderstanding, confusion, and a general fleeting desire to simply avoid, there are the few who strive, stand out, and even silently alter the fabric like a thread upon a knitted cap. How to explain!.!.!!!

Power. Responsibility. Power. Responsibility. Power. Responsibility. Could this language (veritas) explain enough, a sufficient summary (VISUSSUM) to put another in a position to comprehend (C OM-PR). Here, I try to show bread like pain, demands from this non-existent barrier to fix this, to fix that, where mere guesstimations and calculations like summations integrated with physic _(Viv0) to optimize, equalize, and balance a system which (HIC) supports not the majority, even while few realize. How to explain!

…how to explain in terms for you to comprehend? You read these words and begin to inquire, is he c-ra-z-y? To this I respond a person seeking to explain may not always be understood, a poet, an originator, an artist, deserves to be analyzed for a reason, not merely casted aside. How to explain…. Open-mindedness compiling massive information from a series of disciplines- what for, one may inquire?- to find- complete. Per-HA-P.S. there is no clearer way to explain.

I found myself in a globalized household. I became an ambassador of sorts, a treaty maker, a preventer. Each person from a differing walk of life, a differing country, a differing ideological frame-work and level of comprehension; together the few of us began to intertwine knowledge. What forces (VIS) drove us together? Here we exceed the level of government structures, scholastic institutions, corporate governance, not a branch from our mere government… Not deviate completely, here is an important part not to be misunderstood- Each played their own role, naturally- it was a combination from a globalized perspective, not one government, multiple.

Vis a vis…

I was in the process of completing a few books, and creating new ones. It was decided a semester of school was less important. There was something unexplainable, writing beyond a bible, beyond scripture. The plan was- graduate on time, with the class of 2012, and spend a semester focusing on nothing aside from… From… Art. How to explain…

I began showing up to classes. I went to the classes which had the most significance, up until mid-semester. Mid-semester there was a transitory period. Here, I began to separate for a series of reasons. Meditation, linguistic patterns, communication techniques, essays diverging from the voice necessary. And…

I suppose the answer ultimately boils down to this, does it not?

The accident was more than an accident, with more than symbolistic and underlying themes… It was more than analyzing life. It was a series of both spiritual manifestos, human control, and brainwashing, as peculiar as one may believe such an explanation to be. The story… The story…

Serious, Vent tĂș....

'twas driving northbound, seeking a place to reside, a place to call home. Passed many towns and cities, malcontented with the majority of them, at least for a hometown. I drove through Mt. Tamalpais, the view was stunning. I was searching for TJ-trabajar, familiarly dis familiar.

As I was driving, I began contemplating my life up til present pointland portae. The night before ca...spe... Oro... Mi... Spell¡ aid, or at least with a friendly remembrance of

JK... CP…

Disfunctio word? Guess… Perfecting….


The drive was filled with music from my past, songs rekindling the emotions I felt before, before I was twisted into sensate sapiente legali libero-me system. I remember being in love, I remember... Must trust....

I realized it was my time to find new, a new life, a new direction. I realizenation there to remember what was l, and how far 2 look 2…

I began to gaze and curiously inquire with my inner Self, what how ideal appear to me? I decided it would be quaint, unique, immersed in nature, interformula cito-villa. The drive showed so near, yet none seemed perfitto. Night daunting, night shroused, night immersero fog. My mind was creating towns.

I drove.

A story came to mind, near ping, near pong... perro curiosa, signifina.

I found myself behind a large line of cars, and I passed. I had been driving supremely, I went through San Francisco roller-pastiera-montis- smoothly. I passed the cars and found vast. There fog... The night seemed drenched in a cloud of mystery. A petit red car was in front, IT hesitantly let me pass.

There was significance to the little red car.

I went around a corner, Above 55, numeral tu. Accendo... Turn was fairly wide,myet right enough to wu or wi. I thou

G t appropriate velocitĂ .

Jet pilot, ignizione!!!, soaring Explorer o vast...

Car went around turn, went sideways. to correct, o ver, stereo mille singng,

with a spin,

car sideways.

I turning wheel and tires caught what must have been dry.

The car flipped

and began rolling.

I remember calm.

The car rolled over toward the cliff, I saw it coming. Through the chaos, there was some sort of peace in the air, in the mystery, in the timing of the unknown. I flew off the cliff


T r ee,


car reversal down, yet a moment devoid gravity. My car door was jammed shut, I could barely move. The cars insides were swarmed with oil, exhaust. My right arm, unaware at the time, could barely bend. I struggled for what felt an hour trying to unlatch the buckle to set myself free. "libero me, libero me..." The airbag(s) et plura deflated, it didn't even seem. I reached toward the passenger door, with a sense of intrigue. It opened. It was love-locked before crashed. It was love-

unlocked from who...

Blood was pouring from my brain and head profusely, a new form- vehicular intestines. gasoline or internal..?. trickle, trickle...


...Estranging. Liquid inside. I felt as if "al mighty... Speek...." Nike bag somehow gloriously landed perfectly-

Median of dashboard.

Pi. The shirt I was wearing beneath was one of those symbols you see when your heart’still intact.

I steer, I thought. I steer, I knew. Yet… Yet… Quis? Mind control, a foetal negation, a mental bridge persistently slammed into. An abundance of saneness overflew through my mind. Sadness. Pain. Eternal omniscience. “Dominus, MAGNUS, MAGUS!” I screamed to nothing.

Stuck inside a vehicle, locked then unlocked, from who?

Upon pietas…. Stumbled to freeway. Cars zoomed by, most without empathy to slow velocity and reduce acceleration. I waited, puddles of blood in my wake, body nearly broken.

Time existed not. Time- a dimension created by mortalis, humans attempt to grasp this eternity we therefore know as existence. I waited. I waited. I waited. I waited. As if my heart was more broken than my body… How… How… Who…

A half an eternity passed. Thoughts of heartbrokenness, a loss of public trust, where I found myself… Myself. Alone.

Alone… Alone?

A flash- ambulance.

PR-OM-ITATiS!” Probitas… I thought.

A word containing the fundamental powers to heal, to hinder, to impair… To combine and fix.

Who knew.

i, world pulls away.


pull away.

i… i…

When Distance out loops wormholes, portae, uni-versa rushes, temporal; pause,… new… world, return,


To in love with someone new... ¿Who?Quid, quis, quis...

And there was normalcy.

A median, a center, a social-determined norm.

Again, love, again and again, yet return, to win.

As if the entire universe collapses for one instant…

The car accident was, to put it simply, life threatening. The loss of blood was astronomical, the potential risk was even steeper. This brings me to now…Here I remain. A living American Dream. Awakened. A meditative energy of knowledge continually expanding and bursting like a Big Bang.

Where there is a unique individual, there is hope. If…

Veritas… Sun-net…

At Five, An If… i’D

The names began to shift in some nonexistent game
Where suns began a battle, battling again.

Magnus becomes key, wholeheartedly,
Ancient keeps turning the world upon my key.
Glorious and pitiful, a no one and a king
Notorious and infamous, an invisible celebrity,
Ultimately untimely, patiently all one,
Sempervivoo forever, forever turns to one,

Intrinsic turns to thus, singular to us;

Newness a perspective, future becomes trust.
Eternity a glimmer, temporal alters now,
Tenaciously vivacious, from Amor, you are my wow...

Love, here is renewal, purity, and free
Again i feel Here you, a here to you from me;

Thoughts Are Things (How Far?)

Torture. Have you any idea what it is like to be tortured by your own country, by a country you once loved? I'm not speaking of physical torture, I'm speaking of psychological torture.

Have you ever spent time around three dozen crazy males and females? Have you ever spent time around 30 males and females screaming in tongues the best translators in the world are almost incapable of understanding? Being in constant fear that someone is going to break into your unlocked room at night and eat you? Being afraid to think the wrong syllable or you'll be locked up forever? Not having something known as the freedom of thought? Have you ever known that telekenesis is far more real than you know? Have you ever been around people who know?

Go speak to a homeless man, the craziest one you can find- but know, they're only crazy until you understand their logic.

It's like living in a cave your entire life, only to be brought out of the cave, forced out of it, to walk outside, and have the light nearly blind you. As you whimper with pain, nearly falling to your knees, they kick you in the ribs and then bring you back into the darkness. It's a light you never wished to view, it's a light you never wished you were exposed to. It's a light which helps you to find...

The majority function in one specfic and over-ruling linguistic and logical framework. Others stray away from this forming smaller groups. These groups vary. However, most don't realize the how's, the why's, the ways in which one can progress and create their own, and the freedoms this brings about. Imagine being around 30 people who have found these, who speak in ways the majority could not even understand. How to explain.

How to explain...

(Thoughts are things)

How to explain...

(Thoughts are things)

How to explain...

Reflections on Pharmaceuticals and Institutionalized Hospitals

A youth, around five, begins running around his house with a playmate. His playmate has little energy because he hadn't slept much the night before. The two play, but one appears to be overflowing with energy, he appears to be over-zealous and hyper, like a sugar rush. His parents recognize this difference, not realizing the difference stems from the other child's lack of sleep. They wonder if they should take their son to a Dr. due to his seeming "abnormality."

Thirteen years later, the child is leaving his parents' house after years of being drugged with Ritalin, and, as a result, wonders if he has become dependent on the drug. He is attached for life, spending millions of dollars to correct a disorder he never had in the first place.

Is this morally correct?

A man from another country, who barely speaks English, does not know how to communicate "properly." As a result, he cycles between two languages, a strange combination of his foreign tongue and the few English words he knows. A police officer walks by, hears him speaking to a store-owner (who is frustrated because he cannot understand the man), and as a result, decides to take him in for psychiatric evaluation. The store owner is well known, after-all, and anyone who would irritate the owner must have some sort of a problem. The Dr., who only speaks one language, begins giving the man medication for bipolarity. As a result, the pills begin triggering a chemical disequilibrium in the man's brain, giving him a bipolar disorder rather than healing it.

Is this morally correct?

A third youth recognizes the fact that he might have schizophrenia. He does not wish to see a psychiatrist because he does not wish to get attached to any medication for life, nor does he wish to be forced to lose millions of dollars to see a doctor week after week in therapy. So, he picks up a novel from an author who had once  purposefully induced himself with schizophrenia by smoking pot. The book he picks up was a bildungsroman tale, where the main character transforms from a child into an adult, and through the process, overcomes his psychological difficulties. The book is called "A Clockwork Orange" The youth feels better after a couple of weeks.

Is this morally correct?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


He walked from a plane, landing in San Francisco from his hometown of Mongolia. His breath was short, he gazed around with a stern expression reaching into the minds of those around him. He saw televisions, electronic frames connected to America's all seeing eye, an electronic picture frame, a mirror. It reminded him of an interrogation, where only one side of a mirror is clear, the other, translucent. He knew this television with its omniscient link. He walked in front of the television and swiped with his hand, muttering a few words of jumbled English and Mongolian like a lunatic. People passed by as if nothing had ever happened...

"Need money?" He asked, looking into my eyes. We were locked in a lunatic asylum without ever knowing when we would get out. He was from another country- I humorously began to wonder how safe visitors should feel in America.
Not such a great place to him, is it?

I spoke to him. I was probably one of the rare who could understand him, we talked of various subjects. He mentioned TV's were water and piss. I mentioned they were a part of the all seeing eye. He wouldn't speak English. He integrated a few languages, a few more than Mongolian, just so I could piece together what he was saying. He was trying to avoid having our government listen and understand him, hoping I was quicker than anyone who would be listening.

He waved his hand in front of the TV.
I knew, too.

What else shall we talk about? I asked him, knowing his knowledge is limitless. We spoke seriously of orange juice, the impact of candy, about his homeland and how he made his money. He should be set free, I thought.

We spoke for an hour. After a while he began to speak more fluently, where one of the five other people in the room could get the gist of his words. After a while he returned to English, although we dabbled between several linguistic structures, where most still could not understand
After our talk, he began to listen, he began to act less strange, he began to use his hand like a wand to alter the TV's subliminal messages less. I wasn't sure if I felt safer with his hand waving or not, but at least the doctors would think he was more sane.

They load him up with five types of pills.
I speak to him and inquire about his safety.
Who helps him, me or the doctors?

I wasn't sure if the betrayal felt stronger, or the humiliation.

He seemed to me a political prisoner thrown into a lunatic asylum because there, no one would ask questions.
He was not the only one.
There, they could pretend his actions and words were mere insanity,.There, few would ever listen to his perspective again. You deem someone crazy, even raise some sort of suspicion, most will refuse to listen again.

This man, a traveler, a visitor from another country. Could we imagine if his country did that to an American? Would our country care enough to save one us? I imagine myself in his country locked in an insane asylum, knowing my saneness perfectly well, without any choice regarding whether or not I would ever leave.

My mind turns to ee Cummings, locked away in France's concentration camps. A political prisoner. A man who knew things the world thought was crazy.

We once cared. We once did,
We were once honorable,
noble, valiant, and true.
Now, I'm not so sure.

He was the craziest one. He was the sanest one.
His story was the most tragic.

I wasn't sure if the betrayal felt stronger, or the humiliation.

I found a woman who walked around the lunatic bin announcing every thought she could utter, speaking at a fairly constant pace without stop all day long. She always held a stern expression, one which was viciously bitter at a world which rejected her. I hadn't seen her smile, nor laugh, only frown, glare, and speak bitterly.

She was absolutely abnormal.
She was absolutely normal.

I stood outside playing basketball, humans who are treated like cattle sat around me and cheered. I was wondering if the majority of them could safely touch a basketball, much less play. The bitter woman walked over and grabbed a ball. We played basketball. She smiled with me, looking into my eyes. She laughed after making a shot. Her bitterness was swept away like a breeze of fresh air. She appeared sane.

Later, I saw her inside. She never looked quite the same. Never as happy, and never as bitter, always with the smallest smile, always with the slightest twinkle in her eye. She paced less, she repeated phrases less, she no longer spoke rapidly her every thought. She became nearly the same as others, nearly... only slightly more happy.
The doctors numbed her, I brought her back to life.
Who helps, me or the doctors?

I would never return. It was one of the worst things I've seen my country do to humans, I wasn't sure if the betrayal felt stronger, or the humiliation.
I know who I am, I was smart enough to deny their pills.
Could she say the same?

I found the new people were more socially normal than the ones who had been there for a while. The pills made them more crazy. I knew. It scared even me. I never get scared.
The longer they stay, the worse it becomes.

I wasn't sure if the betrayal felt stronger, or the humiliation.

Another told me her mother was a celebrity, that she would get out quickly. I smiled. I said for sure. She smiled, too. She laughed.
I heard her speaking on the telephone.
I wish I didn't.

I wasn't sure if the betrayal felt stronger, or the humiliation.

Another told me her mother was a teacher who taught at a daycare. Mother Mary! Mother Mary! The kids would call to her. She began to tell everyone all she needed was coke to kill someone, a gift for a murder, she said. She told us how the police stole her laptop, how the police stole her money and took her there.
I knew who I was. I know who I am. Could she say the same?

I wasn't sure if the betrayal or the humiliation was stronger.

One said I was their doctor (I thought I was the doctor's doctor).
I actually listened.
I actually talked them through.
I actually helped them with their problems.
I actually knew their humanness wasn't lost.
I knew who I was. Could they say the same?

I wasn't sure if the betrayal or the humiliation was stronger.
(We caused the problems, we didn't fix them).
I wasn't sure if the betrayal or the humiliation was stronger.
(We caused their problems, we didn't fix them).

I wasn't sure if the betrayal or the humiliation was stronger.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


You wake up in a medium sized room, empty of everything, with a barred window letting in only the smallest light. There's a door with a small, square window reaching out to a long hallway. There's a little rectangular light which is turned on so your bed is illuminated enough for someone to see you through the peephole as you sleep.

You're alone. You're abandoned. You've been betrayed.

A women rushes in at four in the morning, waking you from your bed without knocking.
Where are you, you wonder. It feels like a hospital mixed with a concentration camp. It feels like an elementary school with plastered walls, a cabinet, and white tile, as the grown up special ed department screams in the background. You see one man who might hurt you. You see another man who is drooling and walking around with only his underwear on. 

You are alone.
You are so very alone.
You have been abandoned.

She rushes into your room, she ties you up to a machine. You hold back emotion. You hold back words. She puts a needle into your arm and injects you with something.
"What time is it?"
"It's 4 in the morning," she says.
She walks out. You sit in your empty room. Scared and alone. Betrayed and abandoned. Helplessly locked in. You stare out of your door, you see a man drooling. You stare the other direction, a man looks at you like food. You sit on your bed. Am I safe to sleep? You think.
How addicted to meat are these humans?

You hear a scream. You think.

You wonder what makes that man drool. You regain a complacent understanding with yourself to deny every medication.
Am I safe to sleep? You think. You remain quiet. You wait.
What will they say when I turn down the meat? You wonder about the drool. 

I watch as a man from another country walks by.
Imagine if he told you...