Friday, May 25, 2012

Books: Veritas "Ver iam"

There's no prompt, not here...
There's no theory, not directly...
There's some translation of living...
There's some approximation of existing...

Where here becomes else is
Where here coincides with me...
Where this universe is lost through possibility...

Here pages of words like spells open portals
Here multiverses are created, forever immortals.

I read these pages, these pages upon pages of texts... Each story a new world, a new reality, a universe not quite where I am, or not quite where I was. I recognize the fact that I am happy as I explore. The book closes, and I am taken away. I alter and transform the hand of reality, finding myself somewhere new. Inside of these pages I create. There are no restrictions, the world does not withhold the reader's imagination, at least until the pages close like a portal to somewhere beyond. Truth becomes an action and reaction from minds to ideas, thoughts, and creations.

Magic. Truth. Magic. Truth.

These two words are not so different, are they? The four look balanced together like a couple repeated. My pages overflow with magic. Poets recounting miracles explored, originators writing of loneliness and pain changing a world which once tried to change them, each exploring limitless truth and possibility. Escaping from a reality which refuses to accept- from there what occurs? One, in turn, refuses to accept it, altering the very fabric of reality. Some become overjoyed as this transformation occurs, as an individual grows beyond the grasp of their roots. There's a newness to this. New groups of people arise. Old groups react. Inwardly, they wish to force the other to return, to return to the mundaneness and stagnative existence of snobbery and unmagic, a world of untruth.

String Theories become a thread linking one from universe to universe, with a trail of words and pages, a trail of memories and shifted realities. Quantum physics begins to give power to a thought, where every thought becomes a thing creating, creating. Philosophy calls forth for a thinker's thoughts always proven by a prover. An author creates, originates this universe to a multiverse known only as truth. What the thinker thinks, the provers prove... Thoughts becoming things, becoming things...

Magic. Truth. Magic. Truth.

What could be more important than believing and allowing others to believe?

Magic. Truth. Magic. Truth.

A magician inquires, what sets us aside? Is it the loneliness, the pain, is it a reaction to a world which always has tried to force us to become something we're not? Is it the pain of knowing there's something inside of you which is different, or knowing there is something outside of you which is different? Is it being one who knows how to believe? Is it mere knowledge?

I listen as my thoughts collide with the world, changing, forming, morphing, creating...
I pick up a book, wishing only to learn more.

Veritas explore... iam, iam...

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