A dawning love transforms to nows...
Love, your ever-forever mystery,
Years of staring into your almond eyes,
Sorting through beginnings and medians
And futures where endings mean never.
Where evers become forevers become
Best friend, where joy and happiness
Remain, always.
I am here,
Always your surgeon with words as my
Your surgeon, your healer,
Your builder of castles,
Your crafter of fairy tales.
I shall love you as deep as blossoming
Prarie-Winkle Lillie's gazing through
Stardust. I shall love you always and
Through thick and through thin.
To cherish, to wait, to promise,
To stare into your pillow eyes
Of almonds....
My Hand Guides You
My hand guides you, seed of infinite growth,
To a small hole, where my tiny fingers, near
To your miniature formidability,
Cover you with
A quick gesture, where your birth begins with
Earth. Impalpable soil, your luscious dew filled
Embrace sinks to the core as blood pumps to give my heart a beat,
encompassing, complete...
Here, almost suddenly, you spring forth, a statuesque pillar, a tower of
earthly power.
I watch you comfortably extending above and outreaching my longest stretch.
One instant the size of a dew-droplet, the next, a
Ship the size of my love.
Where wind blows
Leaves like sails....
Her Smile
I found one moment complete
Reviving my heartbeat
A touch of softness, her hand
Reviving my heartbeat
My heartbeat, a renewing land
Reviving my heartbeat
One touch became my return
From Heroes Underworld
Reviving my heartbeat,
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